0.8 mm shrimp feed pellet made by IDAH Pellet Mill.
0.8 mm shrimp feed pellet made by IDAH Pellet Mill.
In the last 3 years, we are actively commencing trials on producing
crumble feed substitutes by utilizing pellet die with 0.8 mm hole size.
Trials in our customer site showed satisfactory results and they are
already continuing to produce this small-size shrimp feed. Now, we are
happy to officially introduce this pellet die to the market.
Ring dies with intricate craftsmanship. The ring die is produced from
high quality rolled ring, with a precise and careful manufacturing
process. IDAH ring dies have earned their name by consistently being the
key part in helping our clients produce high-quality pellets.
IDAH provides dies for all OEM pellets press brands with an
outer diameter up to 1500 mm and hole size ranges from 0.8 mm to 13 mm.
Contact us for more information.
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